Post Orientation Reflection

    For English, my class and I learnt about communication and the importance of it. We tried using sign language, body language and hand gestures to communicate. Also We learnt about different types of questions, like open-ended questions and closed-ended questions. Another thing that we learnt is probing question. We learnt that it is used to control a discussion , to gain more in formation to what someone just said. We also did an oral presentation. It had to presented in front of the whole class. It was a presentation that would be graded.
    For Science (physics), we learnt about SI units and physical quantities.
    For Chinese, we learnt about good 'xing rong zi' to describe our feelings and we were supposed to do it in groups.
    For Math, we did not learn anything new, but we did a recap of what we learnt in primary 6. We also had some presentations about different topics from primary 6.
    For Geography, we learnt about maps and did a quiz on it.For History, we did not really learn anything as we only had 1 lesson. We created a glog.
    During the orientation, I felt happy to be in school and I also enjoyed myself during the first week, playing games. During the first week of lessons, I felt a little happy to be able to learn things and expand my knowledge. 
    During the orientation, I learnt that I can trust people more and feel that as the days go by, I got to know my classmates better. I also felt that I communicated more with them. During the studying period, I learnt about my strong subject is and what my weak subject is. I find that the subject I am weak in is Science. I also learnt that I am not very attentive during lesson time. Sometimes, my mind tends to drift off and think about other things. I must correct that witness of mine.
    What I am looking forward to in 2011 is studying and also CCA. I look forward to starting a new CCA and getting more work to do. Another thing, I look forward to do more TYPING!

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